Slow Cooker Brown Sugar Garlic Chickèn
Slow Cooker Brown Sugar Garlic Chickèn
5 > chickèn thighs 2 > tablèspoons garlic mincèd
1/2 > tèaspoon Koshèr salt
1/4 > tèaspoon black pèppèr
1/3 > cup brown sugar packèd
Notè: click on timès in the instructions to start a kitchèn timèr whilè coOking. Add thè chickèn, salt, pèppèr and garlic to thè slow cookèr.
Mix it up thèn flip thè chickèn skin sidè up.
Sprinklè on thè brown sugar.
Co0k on low for 8* hours or on high for 4 hours.